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Credentialing, Invoicing, Evaluating — Oh My!

in Risk & Liability

Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the amount of work that goes into filling shifts? From credentialing to invoicing to evaluating employees, managing contingent and temporary labor can have you feeling like you’re lost in the woods. But by improving the way you currently manage these processes, you’ll feel more confident — and a lot less lost.

But in the world of contingent and temporary labor management, software solutions can be a dime a dozen. It’s hard to know which solution to go with, and it’s hard to know exactly how your healthcare facility will actually benefit from it.

At ShiftWise, we don’t want you to feel lost. And that’s why we are there for you every step of the way. Here’s how ShiftWise’s vendor management system (VMS) can help you mitigate risk by ensuring compliance with advanced credential management tools:

Automated credentialing: Do you feel like you spend hours searching through your many systems just to find the information you need? ShiftWise’s VMS wants to make that a thing of the past. Our VMS provides your facility with electronic document management so that all of your contingent, temporary, and full-time staff’s credentials are up to date. You’ll get alerts to expiring certifications and credentials, which means that your patients will always receive the level of quality care they have come to expect from your healthcare facility.

Order management: With all of the invoicing, credentialing, and evaluating you have to do, how will you actually have time to find quality talent? ShiftWise’s automated profile matching and transparent job ordering process helps you find talent more efficiently, which means your core staff is less likely to be stressed out by open shifts. Our VMS provides you with pre-set templates to automatically assign bill rates according to location or unit. You can also tier orders to your preferred suppliers.

Streamlined invoicing: If you’ve ever used multiple vendors, you’ll know how frustrating and time-consuming it can be to process invoices. But with ShiftWise’s VMS, you’ll be able to process as little as one invoice for all vendors — all the way to the unit level. This won’t just consolidate your invoices, but it’ll also streamline your invoicing processes altogether.

Increased Joint Commission preparation: Regardless of the size or scope of your healthcare facility, you’ve most likely dealt with the Joint Commission. No matter how prepared you try to be, an unexpected visit can always strike fear into the heart of any staff member. But with ShiftWise, you won’t need to be afraid. Because ShiftWise was made specifically for the healthcare industry, Joint Commission preparedness is a top priority. Our VMS helps you stay prepared with date- and time-stamped activity, historical profile reporting, automated credential management, and more.

If you are feeling overwhelmed by processing invoices, keeping up with credentials, and evaluating staff performance, don’t worry — ShiftWise knows how you feel. With our innovative, cloud-based VMS solution, you can increase visibility into your workforce, feel more prepared for Joint Commission visits, and reduce the risk of liability— all while cutting costs and streamlining processes across your entire organization. With ShiftWise, you’re never on your own.

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