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ShiftWise Training


At ShiftWise, we are dedicated to providing you with the best tools, technologies, and customer care so you can focus on supporting the communities you serve.

ShiftWise Flex™ learning content is available on demand, directly within the system using WalkMe, a Digital Adoption Platform (DAP). With WalkMe, users have immediate guidance through:

ShoutOuts — quick announcements sharing important information.
WalkThrus — simple step-by-step tutorials providing instant navigation at the moment of need.
Resources — a searchable menu, including job aids, quick reference guides, video tutorials, and visual workflows.
SmartTips — simple hover icons offering instant tips and tricks.

Log in to ShiftWise Flex and click the “NEED HELP?” menu located at the top of the site to start your journey. Vendors (staffing agencies) can also sign up for Live Training through the menu (Onboarding tab).

Have questions? Contact the Learning Team. We are always happy to assist you!