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Author: Danielle Conroy

Booked Long Term Order Rates Update

ShiftWise is pleased to announce the release of an exciting new feature! Booked Long Term (LT) Order Rates Update — Previously when a long term order was booked/filled, you were unable to update the rates without unbooking staff which changed the order booking status. Now if rates change sometime within the long term order duration, you can update rates without…

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Tips and Tricks: Booked Long Term Order Rates

ShiftWise Tips & Tricks gives insight into specific features of the ShiftWise system that help you navigate staffing difficulties. Next up in our monthly series: Booked Long Term Order Rates. The Staffing Problem When a long term order was booked/filled, you were unable to update the rates without unbooking staff which changed the order booking status. The ShiftWise Solution Feature to…

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3 eye opening reasons to cancel dead (but still open) shifts

It starts with a need for staff. A shift comes open and you have to fill it. But then, census drops, an internal staff person picked up the shift, or you simply no longer have the need. Even though the need is gone, the order is still open or pending and you let it go. Multiply that by a few…

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Putting the right nurse with the right assignment

ShiftWise recently attended the Value for Nurse Staffing Conference in Bend, OR. There was a lot of chatter about how important it is to staff the right nurse with the right assignment. With the effects of healthcare reform being felt, readmission penalties and patient satisfaction scores are a top of mind priority. Getting the right nurse the first time around…

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