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Supplier Spotlight: United Staffing Solutions

in Suppliers

10372570_445098012293355_4736247716742396770_nIn the spotlight: United Staffing Solutions
ShiftWise User: Rosa McLeish
Title: Executive Director

ShiftWise user Rosa McLeish takes us inside her job and tells us what it’s like using the vendor management software.

SW: How often do you use ShiftWise?

Rosa: I use it about 3-4 hours daily.

SW: Where does your company staff?

RosaWe’re a national full service agency with a concentration in New York and New Jersey markets.

SW: What was your staffing experience like prior to ShiftWise?

Rosa: United Staffing Solutions has 15 staffing divisions, 11 in the medical arena and extensive experience with IT recruiting and workforce systems. There is no question Shiftwise is at the leading edge of this market space in  technology and overall platform.

Rosa McLeish Executive Director

SW: How has implementing ShiftWise made your job easier?

Rosa: It has saved us so much time. We didn’t realize how much time we were wasting until we implemented ShiftWise.

SW: Is the ShiftWise software user friendly?

Rosa: Yes, it is very user friendly. It’s a breeze to navigate, run reports, get alerts, search open positions, and view bookings.

SW: Is the process of adding and maintaining staff and their credentials an easy process?

Rosa: ShiftWise has made it an extremely easy process. The real time alerts are amazing!

SW: Does ShiftWise help to streamline your timecard approval process?

Rosa: Yes, with the automated process we can approve timecards immediately for payroll processing. 

SW: How do you feel about your clients that don’t use ShiftWise? Would you prefer they implement the system when compared to other options?

RosaI would love for all my clients to use shiftwise. Medical Staffing is a 24hr business and this will allow for an easy portal to post and fill urgent needs.

SW: United Staffing Solutions has been increasing revenue month to month since your company started using ShiftWise. How has ShiftWise helped with that growth?

Rosa: ShiftWise has opened up our recruitment process nationally with top name-brand companies where our employees want to work and are excited about the opportunity.

Total Revenue within ShiftWise

Note that United Staffing Solutions has made huge increases since implementing ShiftWise

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SW: Do you enjoy the fact that ShiftWise is vendor neutral?

Rosa: I love the opportunity for an even playing ground.

SW: What would you say to a supplier who was on the fence about using ShiftWise?

Rosa: It’s a no-brainer, you have instant job orders delivered to you on a platter. ShiftWise helps get you and your agency to staff on a national level.

SW: What is your favorite restaurant?

Rosa: P.F. Chang’s

*To contact United Staffing Solutions, please email Rosa McLeish 1-800-972-8466

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