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Category: Visibility and Reporting

When Transparency of Data Led to Success

Learn how our Vendor Management System (VMS) was able to help a client manage their workflow spend. With rapid solution development creating transparency across multiple data sources, information is easy to read. View and Download PDF

Ways to Remain Vendor Neutral in a Tight Labor Market

Vendors play a huge role in the success of staffing in healthcare. It is important to strategically align the client by carefully vetting healthy vendors who can staff successfully in the specialties the client needs. Fostering a positive relationship with the vendor will help increase response time, communication and trust which are key for success for both the vendor and…

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Statistics Any Successful Contingent Staffing Program Should Know

There are several layers that make up a successful contingent staffing program at a Healthcare Organization; some more quantifiable than others. Understanding staffing needs, choosing correctly between a VMS and MSP, and engagement are all-important pieces to a larger puzzle. However, there are some more measurable ways to monitor the success of a program. We surveyed a number of our…

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Why using a vendor neutral VMS is so critical

The healthcare VMS Technology Solution model refers to the delivery of a web-based software application for the purposes of empowering a client to manage the services of their suppliers in an efficient and controlled way. Technically, this is the only model that should use the term VMS.  VMS Technology Solutions are delivered by Vendor Neutral, third parties that are not…

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5 Reports That Will Change the Way You Book Your Staff

The saying “it’s better to work smart than hard” can certainly be applied to booking contingent labor. As time-consuming and expensive as the process can be, having the right reporting tools can make the difference between a successful or unsuccessful contingent labor program. The following 5 reports can drastically change the way you book staff, by providing both high-level and…

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