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With an evolving workforce, an automated internal resource pool is an advantage to healthcare systems

An undeniable fact of the new millennium is that the workforce is evolving and with that change has come the flexible worker. This is especially true in the emerging workforce of “Millennials” (those born after 1981). A recent survey showed that a whopping 83%  of these younger workers state that working independently or freelancing is a cornerstone of their career strategy. And this is being…

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5 ways to make your implementation a success

Each new implementation of technology infrastructure has its own unique challenges, but there are still common things that help make any technology implementation go smoothly. Here are five thoughts to consider in making the next implementation within your health system go off without a hitch. Assign the right team. It is imperative that the correct person or small team of…

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Credential management – a critical function of healthcare staffing

Having been in the healthcare staffing industry since the early 90s, I’ve seen a number of faulty approaches to managing workforce credentials.  One such example came early in my career while working a staffing desk on the 4am shift in Southern California. We staffed acute care hospitals from San Diego to Bakersfield. Part of my job as a staffer included…

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In providing exceptional customer service, it’s about the people

In managing customer service departments for over 15 years, I have seen every technological gadget and heard every consultant’s pitch regarding the subject of how to provide exceptional customer service. Each one of these companies enters the discussion with promises and stories of gigantic gains which rarely materialize. Through experience, I have found that the largest gains in a company’s…

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