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Author: Marketing

Envision a world with "No Open Shifts"

Making the move from volume to value-based care is hard. That’s why ShiftWise is committed to being a partner for change in the contingent staffing space, helping you solve one piece of a massive healthcare puzzle. Part of being this partner for change  means educating healthcare professionals on how to transition to better contingent staffing practices. As such, we’ve opened…

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"I needed them yesterday" is not a phrase for modern staffing coordinators

There are three phrases that every staffing coordinator learns on day one of the job to communicate with their supplier and staff pools: “I have a need,” “When can you start?” and “I needed them yesterday.” Fill rates and time-to-fill ratios are the concern of every healthcare staffing department because they have such a direct impact on patient outcomes that…

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4 ways to improve recruitment and retention

A recent article at HealthLeaders Media argues that while employee confidence in current employers remains high, healthcare workers are increasingly aware of their value and are more willing to look around. The article cites a Randstad quarterly healthcare employment trends report, stating that “30% of healthcare workers in Q2 intend to search for new jobs this year.” Even without a workforce full of…

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Shiftlandia episode 4: "No open shifts"

Here at ShiftWise, we don’t leave anything open. Check out the latest episode of Shiftlandia, and go inside ShiftWise with monthly episodes of our new office series!

Supplier Spotlight: Integrated Healthcare Solutions

In the spotlight: Integrated Healthcare Solutions ShiftWise User: Jaimie Mayhew Title: Regional Contract Manager Client length: 8 years ShiftWise user Jaime Mayhew takes us inside her job and tells us what it’s like using the vendor management software. SW: I know eight years was a long time ago, but why did you first decide to use ShiftWise? Jaimie: When I…

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